Thursday, January 2, 2014


It's been forever since I've gone to a real vacation. Seriously, the last time I remember was-well if you don't count the trips that I didn't volunteer to go to-in third grade. Yikes! I've been living under a rock (that was not voluntary either). Anyways, on Friday (tomarrow, dang it I can never spell that right), I'm going to a 1 day 2 night event called Move Conference. I guess it's "kinda" like a vacation? During Move (short for Move Conference), we go to concerts and have fellowship and service with other Christians (oh I forgot to mention that before. Sorry for the disorganization). That means I can't update this blog or my tumblr for two days. And the rest, you already know. So, ahead of time, have a great end of winter break, and come back in a couple of days for some spams of Kyungsoo and Jongin (*cough cough birthday*). See you later!

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