Friday, December 20, 2013

6 Days till Christmas

Count Down: 6 days...and counting
Song of the Day: Miracles in December (Chinese Version)

Although I don't understand Chinese, I love this song so much. I have to say it is in my top 10, maybe even my top 5 of all EXO's songs. Its poignant story leaves me speechless and reminds me of a certain moment in my life where I had many faults and flaws. I do wish I could go back in time to change my decisions, but like the storyline in this, I can't. Instead, I can only walk forward and influence my future. I'm sure this sounds very familiar and even cliché, but it's true.
Give me 1 minute. I want you to think back to a moment where you wished you could have done something differently. If you can't think of one, think harder; I'm sure we all have regrets hidden somewhere in out hearts. Now, let it go. Forgive yourself for your mistake and lift that grudge out of you. Forget about it and move on. There are so many opportunities waiting ahead, but you have to discard some of the weight pulling you down first.

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