Thursday, August 15, 2013

Get to know EXO members

130814 - STAR CAST : "Trend's Core 'EXO Life of Research' Part 1"

'EXO' is currently the hottest boy group. About one year and five months since debut, the term rookie is still more familiar to them. However, recently with 'Wolf and Beauty' and 'Growl,' they hit a repeated home run and quickly grew as the next generation representative idol. They have proved that they are the current trend as they bring about many fans everywhere they go.

Even their creation is special. ‘EXO’ is a Korean-Chinese twin group. They promote as Korean ‘EXOK’ and Chinese main force group, ‘EXOM.’ They promote in both countries by singing the same title song in both Korean and Chinese. Other times they show off a different charm as they promote as a whole with all twelve members joined together with ‘EXO.’

However although we know ‘EXO,’ the members are unfamiliar. Above all else, there being twelve members is an obstacle. If you’re not a fan, it is hard to grasp an understanding of each member’s charms. That is why we have prepared. It is ‘EXO life of research.’ What we know of ‘EXO’ vs. ‘EXO’ that ‘EXO’ says is basic + we’re going into a deep study.

As a reference, we used a rolling paper in the deep-study. Besides themselves, they left a personal criticism for the other eleven members. 4W 11R (Who, Where, When, What, 11Rolling Paper), the first subject is ‘EXOK.’

1. Suho

▶ Who : Suho. Real name Kim Joonmyun. Because he was in charge of the sacred character in his early debut days, he was also called ‘Joonmen’ because of ‘Joonmyun + Amen.’

▶ Where : He is 22 years old, born in May 22, 1991. Starting as class president in the Gangnam eight school district, his feature is that during his school days he was vice-president as well as a majority of different board member positions. He is known as ‘mother’s friend’s son’ after entering the Korea National University of Arts as an acting major in ‘09.

▶ When : He entered SM Entertainment in 2005. He is an icon of sincerity within SM because he firmly endured the long trainee life.

▶ What : He is the lead vocal as well as the leader of ‘EXO-K.’ He has safe vocal skills. Also, he is filled with leadership. It is known that he treats the members out all the time.

Kai → Suho : If you compare him to an animal, a golden retriever. Although he’s cute and kind, he is an exemplary and reliable hyung that goes out of his way to care for others when he needs to

Kris → Suho : A member I want to ask to buy me food

Xiumin → Suho : Always our leader

Lay → Suho  : Leader amongst the leaders

Chanyeol → Suho  : Although he may seem perfect, because he sometimes he seems like he’s empty talk (t/n: there is no word that 100% describes heodang, and naver dictionary says empty talk), it is more charmful.

Baekhyun → Suho : He’s really kind and a exemplary leader. He is textbook-like hyung that I have a lot to learn from

D.O → Suho  : precious leader

Tao → Suho : my loving mother

Chen → Suho  : You would think he’s perfect, but because he is 2% lacking, a cute perfectionist

Luhan → Suho  : He treats me well

Sehun → Suho : A hyung I go to when I have a lot of troubles. Although there are times when it doesn’t get solved, I still look for himㅋㅋ

▶ Rolling paper example ‘Suho’ keyword : ‘Leader,’ ‘Mother’s friend’s son,’ and ‘Empty talk.’ There was a lot of talk about his role as a leader. Kai, Xiumin, Lay, Baekhyun, Tao, etc. a total of six members critiqued him as the ‘best leader.’

Above all else, through the rolling paper, a new truth we found out was ‘empty talk.’ Chanyeol and Chen pointed out his talent of empty talk. Through maknae Sehun’s words we can concretely see the reason. “Although I go to him when I have concerns, there are times when it doesn’t get solved,” is the decisive hint. It is a completely different hidden charm from his serious side.

2. Baekhyun

▶ Who : Baekhyun. Real name Byun Baekhyun. With his explosive sociability, he’s in charge of the ‘kkab’ in the team.

▶ Where : May 6th, 1992, 21 years old. He’s from Gyeonggi-do, Bucheon and has lived a pretty ordinary life until now.

▶ When : Joined SM Entertainment in 2011. He got cast on his way to the college entrance exams. Since he’s the last ‘EXO-K’ member to have joined, he’s the member who debuted with the fastest in the history of SM.

▶ What : ‘EXO-K”s main vocal. Even though he sings well, he can also play the piano, making him a high class singer.

Suho about Baekyun : He’s a person full of sense who’s like vitamins. He’s cute and a prankster full of wits.

Kai → Baekhyun : If I had to compare him to an animal, I’d say a yorkshire. He’s got pretty looks and a pretty personality but he’s also a man with pride

Kris → Baekhyun : He’s a fun member who makes the other members laugh

Xiumin → Baekhyun : A cute jokester

Lay → Baekhyun : He’s the team’s mood maker. He’s a nice dongsaeng who gives me lots of advices when I’m worried

Chaneyol → Baekhyun :  He’s really witty and talented. My soulmate #1

D.O → Baekhyun : A nice friend

Tao → Baekhyun : A hyung who’s like family

Chen → Baekhyun : Even though he’s an amazing prankster, he’s a strong friend with a big heart

Luhan → Baekhyun : His personality is nice and he’s funny

Sehun → Baekhyun : He cares about the members a lot. He’s nice

▶ Baekhyun’s keywords : ‘Wit’, ‘Mood maker’ and ‘sokjeong’ (T/N : ‘sokjeong’ means quiet and serious). Suho, Kris, Xiumin and Luhan all acknowledged how witty and funny he is. They also said he had lots of sense and was good at cracking jokes.

He’s been picked as the ‘mood maker’. Lay defined him as the mood makae of ‘EXO’. Of course there’s a serious part of him we don’t know. He has ‘sokjeong’. D.O, Chen and Sehun said he’s a person who takes care of people well. You could also feel [Baekhyun’s] warm heart when Lay said he was a nice dongsaeng who gives [Lay] lots of advices whenever he’s worried.

3. Chanyeol

▶Who : Chanyeol. Real name Park Chanyeol. It’s a name that means a filled fruit. His nickname is teeth rich person (they say it’s because a lot of his teeth show when he smiles). Fans also call him nation’s good teeth.

▶Where : Born on November 27, 1992 (his birthday hasn’t passed yet). Born in Seoul, he graduated from Gangnam Hyundae High School.

▶When : He joined SM Entertainment in 2008. Bcause of his tall height at 185cm and his distinct facial features, he gathered a lot of fans since before debut.

▶What : He’s in charge of rap within the team. His deep voice matches well with rap. He’s also skilled in playing instruments. He’s good at drum, bass, etc. and is a musical that is always ready to strive for more music study.

Chanyeol that Suho says : He’s a musician that is really cool when you see him focusing on music! He’s a matured member that I want to treat better these days

Kai→Chanyeol : Beagle. He’s cute, bright, and active. He’s someone that possess energy that doesn’t know how to get worn out.

Kris→Chanyeol : He’s always smilingㅋㅋ I like him because he’s tall

Xiumin→Chanyeol : happy happy happy virus

Lay→Chanyeol : He’s the one in charge of reactions that are always animated

Baekhyun→Chanyeol : He’s a child that is full of jokes like me. A friend that matches well with me because we have similar personalities.

D.O→Chanyeol : atmosphere maker. He’s noisy because he talks too much

Tao→Chanyeol : funny person

Chen→Chanyeol : As predicted, reaction is best!!! A jokester that is always overflowing with jokes

Luhan→Chanyeol : He’s fun and is a cooking king

Sehun→Chanyeol : He’s funㅋㅋ He makes the members laugh by ruining himself.

▶Chanyeol’s key word : ‘musician,’ ‘reaction’ and ‘cooking.’ Because he’s good at playing instruments and studies hard to study composition, he was even complimented by Suho for being a cool musician. However, there was more talk about his personality. Kai, Kris, Xiumin, Lay, D.O, Chen, and Sehun mentioned his gag instincts and reactions. However, if you follow D.O.'s word, the only trap is that because he talks too much, he’s noisy.

Another truth that we newly found was his cooking skills. It’s to the degree that Luhan says ‘cooking king.’ To be honest, D.O is known to be in charge of cooking within ‘EXO-K.’ He’s a skilled person that makes spaghetti really well. We believe that the judgment of cooking king is based on Luhan’s own perspectives.

4. D.O.

▶ Who : D.O. Real name Do Kyungsoo. Since he eats well, he’s known for having lots of 'pictures of him eating'.

▶ Where : January 12th, 1993, 20 years old. He’s from Gyeonggi-do Goyang-si and graduated from the Baekseok highschool.

▶ When : Entered SM Entertainment in 2010. Got cast as a sophomore in high school, he’s talented and debuted after a relatively short time.

▶ What : In charge of the main vocals. Aside from singing, his speciality is beatboxing. The moments he belts his high notes while looking at the camera with a serious expression are especially memorable.

Suho about D.O : He’s reliable and a member who understands people’s feelings well. I don’t know why but I somehow want to pinch his cheeks ㅋㅋ.

Kai→D.O : If I had to compare him to a puppy, I’d say a Maltese. Whenever he’s serious, quiet, or does aegyo, a Maltese is still a Maltese.

Kris→D.O : A really nice dongsaeng. I like him a lot

Xiumin → D.O : It seems like I’m seeing myself, a member with a similar personality

Lay→ D.O. : He’s so cute

Chanyeol → D.O : He’s silent and calm. My soulmate #2

Baekyun → D.O. : He’s delicate, clean and there’s a lot of charisma coming from his tiny frame. D.O is also nice and is the same age as me so he’s a friend whose mind goes well with mine.

Tao → D.O : He’s nice

Chen → D.O : He’s a considerate and thoughtful vocalist full of sense

Luhan → D.O : He’s really good at singing

Sehun → D.O : He’s a really nice hyung. There are times when he isn’t, but when there are way more moments when he is [nice] ㅋㅋ

▶ D.O.’s keywords : ‘Considerate’, ‘Singing’ and ‘Charisma’. Suho, Kris, Tao, Chen and Sehun especially praised his personality. They mostly said he was delicate, thoughtful and that he understands the members’ feelings well. It can be interpreted as him being really considerate.

Since he’s the main vocal, ‘singing’ also came up while the members were talking about him. Luhan concluded by saying ‘He’s really good at singing’. Someone also said that even though he was tiny, his charisma was inversely proportional to his height. However Kai said that whether he’s serious, quiet, or does aegyo, he’s like a Maltese (puppy), revealing D.O.’s cute charms.

5. Kai

▶ Who : Kai. Real name Kim Jongin. His stage name Kai means ‘open’ and it implies his role is to reveal (T/N : literally open) EXO’s secrets.

▶ Where : January 14th, 1994, 18 years old. From Seoul, he graduated from the performing acts highschool of Seoul.

▶ When : Joined SM Entertainment in 2007. Friends with Taemin from ‘SHINee’ ever since they were young. Even though he debuted late, he didn’t give, he’s a man with a burning passion. He’s been a trainee with Suho for a long time.

▶ What : He’s in charge of being the dance machine. He learned jazz dance and ballet ever since he was young, so the way he uses his body is outstanding. Even though he does the same choreography, his ganji(?) (T/N : ganji means coolness / awesomeness but in that case ‘swag’ kind of works as well since it’s about the way he looks when he dances) is uncommon.

Suho about Kai : I’ve been with him for a while so he’s a world dancer who’s like a real brother who I want to take care of and who needs to be taken care of.
Kris → Kai : He’s really good at dancing

Xiumin → Kai : A sexy cutie

Lay → Kai : My dance teacher

Chanyeol → Kai : He’s so cool and his dark skin is charming

Baekhyun → Kai : His body is sexy and his face has an imposing charm but he’s actually innocent, nice and cute

D.O →  Kai : He’s really good at dancing

Tao → Kai : Dark skin, good friend

Chen → Kai : He’s younger than me but he’s a really strong and sweet dongsaeng and there’s a lot of things I can learn from him

Luhan → Kai : He’s really good at dancing

Sehun → Kai : He says lots of serious things about the members

▶ Kai’s keywords : ‘Dance’, ‘Sexy’ and ‘Innocent’. Just how he’s EXO-K’s dancer, there are lots of things related to dance [that have been said about him]. Suho, Kris, Lay, D.O. and Luhan all said he was really good at dancing. Suho especially called him a world dancer and Lay said he was his dance teacher, acknowledging his skills.

The ‘sexiness’ he has that can be felt once he’s on stage has been mentioned a lot. Baekhyun’s story also infered that the source of this sexiness was his body. But in the other way, he also has kid-like charms. This is exactly what his keyword ‘innocent’ is about. Like this, you can assume he has a child-like image that differs from his strong performances.

6. Sehun

▶ Who : Sehun. Real name Oh Sehun..

▶ Where : April 12, 1994, 19 years old. From Seoul, graduated from the performing arts high school of Seoul. Even though he’s the same age as Kai, because they’re separated by their birth days, he can’t get away from the maknae spot.

▶ When : Joined SM Entertainment in 2008. Thanks to his tall height (181 cm) and his long period of training, he doesn’t really seem like the maknae.

▶ What : His specialities are dancing and acting. Even though he’s actually the maknae, he always gets ranked low when it comes to the cutie ranking [within the group]. He’s currently taking the role of the maknae who doesn’t look like one with his strong visuals.

Suho about Sehun : I always see him as a kid, he’s a member with a big heard who I affectionate a lot and that I want to hug

Kai → Sehun : If I had to compare him to an animal, I’d say a cat. He may look cold but he’s a cute maknae with lots of aegyo

Kris → Sehun : A pretty dongsaeng I cherish

Xiumin → Sehun : Lovely maknae

Lay → Sehun : Even though he’s young, the way he thinks is like an adult’s

Chanyeol → Sehun : I sometimes don’t know who’s the hyung and who’s the dongsaeng [between us]. However he’s a cute dongsaeng ㅋㅋ

Baekhyun → Sehun : He has a baby skin and smells like one, he’s a maknae I want to hug

D.O → Sehun : Cute maknae

Tao → Sehun : Best friend forever

Chen → Sehun : He’s a hyung-like dongsaeng full of aegyo who sometimes confuses me so much I ask myself,  am I the dongsaeng?

Luhan → Sehun : He’s cute and funny

▶ Sehun’s keywords : ‘Maknae’, ‘Serious’ and ‘Aegyo’. Since he’s the youngest member, the word maknae comes up a lot. Suho, Kai, Kris, Xiumin, Baekhyun and D.O all called him cute maknae. Baekhyun especially said he wanted to hug him because of his baby skin and smell. Even though he always looks serious and cold on TV, a maknae is still a maknae.

There were lots of stories about his ‘seriousness’. ‘By saying he has a big heard, Suho revealed his reversal personality. Lay’s appraisal was also similar. By saying Sehun seemed like an adult, he showed his mature charms.


'EXO' is a rookie boy band who has just turned one year old. EXO is a twin group. It consists of 'EXO-K' for the Korean market and ‘EXO-M' for the Chinese market. They started promotion in Korea with ‘Wolf’ for the first time in June. No wonder that they are not well-known yet in Korea.

It is a different story in China, however. They are superstars. Last year, EXO was awarded with ‘Most Popular Group Award’ and ‘Best Dresser Award’ for the first time as a rookie at China’s largest music awards ‘Yin Yue Feng Yun Bang'. This year again, EXO was awarded with ‘Most Popular Group Award’ for the second year in a row, cementing their position as an undisputed star of these days.

'EXO-M' is at the center of the Korean Wave craze. Their performance is totally different from that of 'EXO-K'. 'EXO-M' oozes masculine beauty while the concept of 'EXO-K' is a teenaged boy. They emphasize more powerful and fierce vibes. They are appealing to the public with toughness of a manly man.

'EXO Study’ Part 2 is about 'EXO-M' seen from the view of 'EXO'. The 12 members made a memory board for Kris, Luhan, Xiumin, Chen, Tao, and Lay of 'EXO-M'. Each member left comments for the other 11 members. 4W 11R(Who, Where, When, What, 11 Memory Board).

7. Kris

▶ Who: Kris. His Chinese name is Wu Yi Fan. He has an image of a male god. His nickname is 'Kris-Nim (Korean honorific suffix)’.

▶ Where: He was born on November 6, 1990. He is a Chinese Canadian. He was born in Guangzhou,  Guangdong Province, China, and grew up in Canada.

▶ When: He passed the SM Global Audition held in Canada in 2007. He trained for four years.

▶ What: He is the team leader of 'EXO-M' and a rapper. He is known to be the most quiet person in EXO. He speaks Chinese, Cantonese, English, and Korean.

Suho speaks about Kris: He is my best friend. He is very reliable and faithful. He is a fashionista.

Kai→Kris: He is a Siberian Husky. He looks cool and lonely, but he actually has a weak side and he is a cute big brother to us.

Xiumin→Kris: He has a face that gives trust.

Lay→Kris: He is a cool, cold, but passionate, and tall member.

Chanyeol→Kris: He is manly and cool.

Baek-hyun→Kris: He is very much interested in fashion. He is reliable like a dad.

D.O.→Kris: He looks gorgeous as he is tall.

Tao→Kris: He is my dear big brother.

Chen→Kris: He is a stylish man with a great fashion sense.

Luhan→Kris: He is the king of fashion.

Sehun→Kris: He always adores me.

▶ Keywords from the memory board: 'Manly man'. Suho, Lay, Xiumin, and Chanyeol spoke highly of his masculine beauty. You can find it from Suho’s comment 'reliable', Lay’s 'cold', Xiumin’s 'reliable', and Chanyeol 'manly'.

8. Luhan

▶ Who: Luhan. It is his real name. It means a 'deer of the dawn'. He is called ‘Lulu’ by Chinese fans.

▶ Where: He was born on April 20, 1990, in Beijing, China. He is attending the Department of Applied Music of Seoul Art College.

▶ When: He was spotted on a street by a manager from SM Entertainment on street in April, 2008. He went shopping to Myeong-dong with his friend. He joined 'EXO-M' after three years of training.

▶ What: He is a vocalist. His specialty is reaction. He does not stop clapping until the end of a variety show at a corner even if he is going to be edited out.

Suho→Luhan: He is both gentle and tough. He trusts me. He is a good person who understands my mind.

Kai→Luhan: He has bright pupils of a deer and a cute personality.

Kris→Luhan: He has a gorgeous smile.

Xiumin→Luhan: We are the best duo.

Lay→Luhan: He is a good friend who takes care of me for anything.

Chanyeol→Luhan: He looks like a baby, but he is actually a real man.

Baekhyun→Luhan: He is innocent like baby and nice. He is good at singing and dancing. He is even handsome.

D.O.→Luhan: He is a handsome boy.

Tao→Luhan: He is my dear big brother. He is funny.

Chen→Luhan: He looks much younger than his age, but he is manly and mature.

Sehun→Luhan: Sometimes he is so innocent that I feel like he is younger than me.

▶ Keywords: He was in charge of the ‘beauty’ of EXO. D.O., Chen, Kai, and Baekhyun recognized his beauty. He has a transparent skin and bright and round pupils. The nickname ‘Lulu’ meaning a deer of the dawn is just suitable for his face.

He was a meek person as his face shows. He was called a ‘gentle boy’ and a ‘milk boy’. They agreed that Luhan is "innocent," "nice,” "cute," "a good person” and “he takes care of others.” Suho and Chanyeol said, "He has a baby face but he is a real man.”

9. Xiumin

▶ Who: Xiumin. His real name is Kim Min-suk. His nickname is 'Muggle Killer'. The nickname is originated from the movie ‘Harry Potter’, meaning he is seductive enough to turn even ‘Muggles’ into his fan.

▶ Where: He was born on March 27, 1990, in Guri, Gyeonggi Province. He graduated from Inchang High School of Guri. He chose debuting as a singer instead of going to college.

▶ When: He joined SM Entertainment in 2008 by winning the second place at SM 'Everything Contest’. He trained for four years. He is Korean, but he was selected as a member of 'EXO-M'.

▶ What: He is a well-rounded member. He is a singer and rapper. As a big brother of 'EXO', he gets up early every morning. He is the only early bird in 'EXO'.

Suho→Xiumin: He is clean, gentle, and manly. He is a nice member who always does his best.

Kai→Xiumin: He is like a meerkat. He has a cute face, but he protects us.

Kris→Xiumin: He is a cool member whose self-management is impressive.

Lay→Xiumin: He takes good care of us.

Chanyeol→Xiumin: He is clean and diligent.

Baekhyun→Xiumin: He has a cute and sensitive personality unlike a big brother. He is understanding and he always tries hard.

D.O.→Xiumin: He is good at self-management.

Tao→Xiumin: He is an older brother who will always take care of me.

Chen→Xiumin: He is clean and honest. He is our big brother whom we rely on.

Luhan→Xiumin: He is clean and neat.

Sehun→Xiumin: He is probably the most mature person here as the big brother.

▶ Keyword: He was the ‘big brother’. He is one of the most mature members. The other members followed him as he is reliable. Baekhyun said, "He is understanding,” showing his infinite trust in him.

A new fact is that Xiumin is in charge of 'cleaning'. The words 'Neat', 'clean', and 'diligent' were frequently used. Xiumin actually enjoys cleaning. He also enjoys dish washing. He takes the initiative to clean rooms instead of the other younger members.

10. Chen

▶ Who: Chen. His Korean name is Kim Jong-dae. He is the head of the Beagle Line (Chanyeol, Baekhyun) of 'EXO’.

▶ Where: He was born on September 21, 1992, in Siheung, Gyeonggi Province. He graduated from Jungwang High School in Siheung.

▶ When: He passed the 2011 SM audition. He trained only for three months. He debuted at a breakneck speed.

▶ What: He is a lead vocalist. His specialty is singing high notes. He has the best social skills in EXO. He has a Budda-like mindset. He is said to send a flower-like smile even to stalker fans.

Suho→Chen: He is a byword of being nice. He follows me well, but he sometimes becomes sulky. He is a perky.

Kai→Chen: He is a six-month-old Beagle. He is growing up now to catch up with Chanyeol.

Kris→Chen: He is our main vocalist! His high-note singing is cool.

Xiumin→Chen: He is my reliable bro.

Lay→Chen: He is our vocalist who hits the highest note with his natural voice.

Chanyeol→Chen: He is really nice and funky. He is my soul mate no. 3.

Baekhyun→Chen: He is just hilarious. He is very nice. He is the same age and my good friend.

D.O.→Chen: He is a main vocalist.

Tao→Chen: He is a great singer.

Luhan→Chen: He is an excellent singer.

Sehun→Chen: He is funky. I like him. I love him.

▶ Keyword: 'Cutie'. Just looking at him makes one make a generous smile. He has a perky and characterful personality. He is in charge of being hilarious. He has great social skills that allow him to get along with all members.

He is very talented enough to debut only in three months. Luhan, Tao, D.O., and Kris praised his singing ability. They said, “He is an excellent singer” without any other epithet. Particularly they said that his high-note singing with his strong vocal chords is attractive.

11. Tao

▶ Who: Tao. His Chinese name is Huang Zi Tao'. He is the master of martial arts in 'EXO'. He learned wushu at the age of six and received professional trainings for about 11 years. He used to be a high jump athlete. He won a prize in a local competition held in Qingdao.

▶ Where: He was born on May 2, 1993, in Qingdao, China. Nothing except for it has been revealed.

▶ When: He was spotted at a competition in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China, in 2011. He trained for a year.

▶ What: He is a rapper. He calls himself a romantic panda. He is easily moved to tears. He confessed that he cries once a day since he misses his grandmother so much. The youngest member is good at acting cute.

Suho→Tao: He asked me to write that he is special. He is really special and full of sentiment. He is the AB style and our son.

Kai→Tao: He is a chick. He looks like a cute baby bird to me.

Kris→Tao: He is a cool and my beloved little brother.

Xiumin→Tao: He is my homework.

Lay→Tao: He is a little distracting, but cute.

Chanyeol→Tao: He is unpredictable.

Baekhyun→Tao: He is really unique. When I see Tao, he is just about to show a supernatural power.

D.O.→Tao: The AB style.

Chen→Tao: He is a cute living on another planet.

Luhan→Tao: The unique AB style.

Sehun→Tao: He is cute and the expression ‘living on another planet’ is not enough.

▶ Keyword: ‘Living on another planet’ and 'AB style'. He was an unpredictable type. EXO members were paying undivided attention to Tao either by force or by choice. He was homework of Xiumin, the most mature member in EXO.

There was a twist as well. The splendid martial arts skills were useless in front of the other members. He was just a cute youngest member to them. Lay expressed his infinite affection by saying that he is "cute" even if he is living on another planet.

12. Lay

▶ Who: Lay. His real name is Zhang Yi Xing.

▶ Where: He was born on October 7, 1991, in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. His past has not been revealed.

▶ When: He joined SM Entertainment in 2008. He was selected at the Wuhan audition in China. Before his debut, he appeared on China’s Star Academy.

▶ What: He is a sub vocalist. He has great interest in music. He respect Beethoven and Mozart. He is a healing character in EXO. He is one of the nicest members.

Suho→Lay: He is a music genius. He never allows defeat in his expertise. He is a professional who makes continuous efforts. He is an icon of healing.

Kai→Lay: He is a unicorn. Lay is a healing character.

Xiumin→Lay: He has enormous passion.

Chanyeol→Lay: He is whimsical and innocent.

Baekhyun→Lay: He is the most innocent member in EXO. He has a great concentration on everything. He is good at and passionate about dancing, composition, singing, and playing instruments. Sometimes we are amazed by his innocence. We adore him.

D.O.→Lay: He is whimsical.

Tao→Lay: He is a great dancer and composer.

Chen→Lay: He is tough, sweet, cute, and witty.

Luhan→Lay: He is an excellent dancer and manly.

Sehun→Lay: He is a good guy. He is nice and cute.

▶ Keyword: 'Healing'. He was an icon of healing for EXO. It was not because of great speaking skills or rich experience. The source of healing power of Lay is his nice personality in nature. They said that they can be at peace when they see Lay.

He had a great passion for music. He has keen interest in composition, instrument-playing, singing, and dancing. He was keen on self-improvement by working on composition or play instruments in his spare time.

source: Naver
translation cr; nahbit & saphira @ exok-trans

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