Monday, August 5, 2013

EXO "Growl" Review (One-shot)

No Genie ad?? How could this be?? SM ALWAYS put the Genie is probably because they will be uploading other versions and include it in the one that was shown on the teaser. Anyways, let's get on with the review!

Song: Urban/R&B
Interesting and unique; very different from "usual" k-pop songs.
The beat is comprised of snapping, drum beating (bass drum), bass guitar, and more. It has a catchy vibe to it that makes me bob my head up and down ^^
The high squeaky sound of violin(?) around 0:48-1:10 and 1:42-1:52 second mark creates a ominious mood and sends a shiver down my spine. It's clear until around 1:00 when it gets drowned by the chorus.
For some reason, I have a "holding my laugh" moment from the funny noise from 1:30-1:31 (when the camera turns around from Sehun "flicking" it with is hands).

Music Video:

Choreography: not as complicated looking and dangerous as "Wolf" but still leaves viewers in awe
Usage of hats: very creative. "Hat transfer" :D ..but then..Wait a second! What happend to the hat that D.O., Kris, and Suho was fighting over? It magically disappeared after the camera turned for 3 seconds. There is only one explanation for this: It was Sehun! He secretly whispered a spell under his breathe and with a flick of his wrist, POOF! The hat is no more!
Favorites: "fixing my tie, I look good" 0:06 second mark, "hat transfer", "chicken cross the road" 1:19-1:22 second mark,"leaning to and fro" 2:05-2:09, and "twisting like a tornado until your back gives in" right after that (sorry still can't think of a good name for that move)

My favorite parts:

  • Last part when Kai and Luhan point at their hats and the camera zooms in
  • covering faces/eyes 0:28 second mark (each member has their own version on both Korean and Chinese)
  • Luhan's soft pink-and-orange hair looks good on him. I bet he can pull off any hair color like GD can pull off any outfit ^^
  • When you realize Luhan is the only one with colorful hair
  • Sehun stating E.X.O.

  • Kris holding the camera and having eye contact with it. (1:58-2:01 second mark)
  • Kai's dacing skills are over the chart! His moves are sharp and accurate while adding a bit of his own style. One word: amazing.
  • Kai drops his hat on the 2:16 second mark and picks it up as if it was part of the choreography.
  • Kai covering his eyes; his hands move smoothly and elegantly
  • Luhan almost hit the camera (or at least it seemed to hit)
  • Suho accidently steps on Sehun's foot but Sehun still has his pokerface on ^^
  • Kris flicking the dust off his shoulder
  • Tao's rapping part. best part is 2:11-2:13 second mark when he raises his pitch at the end and makes a puppy-ish noise.
  • Lay's head butt @ 0:58-0:59 second mark
Other comments:
  • Maybe it was just me but I felt like Xiumin looked short in this one-shot take.
  • In the "hat transfer", Kris lightly puts the hat on his head cuz you know, don't want to mess up the hair right? However, Sehun wore it firmly and proudly
  • The funny noise I mentioned earlier came out half a second before Tao's hand ;)
  • The high pitched squeaky noise is seriously giving me goosebumps whenever I hear it :(
  • the diamond formation close to the end was pretty cool

I hope you liked this review! We are one!

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