Saturday, September 28, 2013

[INTERVIEW] EXO D.O & Kai’s Story

After the outdoor photoshoot, D.O shyly sat down and focused on caterpillars. “Are your feet this small?’ After seeing the baby shoes that were at the studio, his round eyes got even bigger. He may seem like a baby like this but D.O is actually a ‘real man’. As soon as the group photoshoot started, he went to the center and confidently said “Okay, let’s go”, just like he wanted the members to focus [on the work]. Even if he looks like a kid, his reversal charms can be seen through his indifferent gaze.
D.O. I was born on January 12th 1993. I am EXO-K’s main vocal. I was also in charge of getting hit by Luhan hyung in the EXO music video drama episode that was released not too long ago, this is what the producer decided because he thought it’d fit my image. But my real image isn’t what you saw…. or is it really? Is it really the kind of image I have? The other members alwaysmake fun of me. I don’t know why. I have no way to show my dignity so I have to face the members just like always. There are sometimes moments when I have to show my aegyo but it’s really difficult. The meat I grill tastes better than the other members’ so I’ve become in charge of cooking the meat. I don’t have any particular know-how but the more you grill meat, the more you will get this ‘feeling’ you can’t express with words. Ah, I think it’d be fun if I got to appear on KBS <Happy Together 3>'s night time cafeteria, but I haven't found the recipe I'd show there yet. There's a misunderstanding saying I am good at cooking, I actually only enjoy doing so. Even if the members said during an interview that I take care of them well like a mother. (Q. Doesn't it only mean than the members often ask you to cook?) However, when I'm asked to do something, I don't do it. I cook when I feel like it and at that's when we eat together. I really like singing while Chanyeol is playing the guitar. It might be because we’ve started practicing together ever since our trainee days but we get along well. If I change the rythm when singing, Chanyeol will make sure to follow me and if he changes, then I am the one following him. (Chanyeol : There are about 15 songs we told ourselves we’d show the world once we debut). True. ‘Nothing On You’, that we performed on KBS 2FM’s <Super Junior’s Kiss The Radio> was one of them. I’ve listened to R&B music ever since I was a kid so I really enjoy it. Later on, when we hold our concert, I want my solo stage to only be made of a stand mic and my voice in order to make [the audience] listen to black music properly. I like Chris Brown and Justin Bieber so I often listen to these two singers’ songs. I actually haven’t recovered from the ‘superior orchestra' trauma. I haven't found a special way to get over it yet but I think I'll have to do so by gaining experience.
"Ah! Not too long ago I cried my eyes out while watching a modern dance performance!" Kai’s voice is getting louder. Looking at him getting excited while talking about dancing makes him more look like Kim Jongin who’s just like other people of the same age rather than Kai who’s overflowing with charisma. It was even more obvious while he was posing seriously when D.O came up to him and invited him to make bubbles together, his eyes automatically formed crescents and he smiled. He even joked around by wearing the baby shoes D.O brought on his great toe, finding out that the gap between Kai and Kim Jongin wasn’t easy to see was an interesting discovery.
Kai. I was born on January 14th 1994. I’ve learned ballet ever since I was a kid. Lately, while watching Mnet’s <Dancing 9> I’ve been wondering what would have happened if I had kept on doing ballet until now. I would have probably gone ‘all-in’ and gone overseas to pratice, right? Since there’s nothing I want to be better at than dancing and singing. If I ever become a ballerino, I want to create a piece in which I’d express how I can’t give up on the woman I lovewith my body. I am a perfectionist so when I make a mistake on stage, I blame myself a lot. When I’m back at home I go ‘Ah ! Why did I mess up here !’ and such. I love R&B a lot. If I get the chance to be in a unit or have my own solo, I want to show a cool performance with a song that would have a strong beat but would still be calm. I think Michael Jackson, Usher and Chris Brown are really sexy men on stage. (Laughs) I feel like they make the ladies go crazy even with the most common gestures. The members danced on <Weekly Idol> not too long ago. First of all, I think Suho hyung could dance well if he practiced a bit more whereas Chen hyung lived up to his ‘Funky funky Chen’ name by showing his unique sense of rythm. I think he’ll be good at locking in the future. Ah, when I hit Sehun’s butt in <Weekly Idol>, it wasn’t because I was in a bad mood, it’s because there’s another reason behind this. Usually, when you eat someone in the butt, you don’t use the top of your foot. However I hit Sehun when he was standing. So… I ended up hitting his butt. Hahaha. But didn’t I hit him too? Well, I thought of it as a chance that wouldn’t be given to me again anytime soon so I hit him for fun but I ended up hitting him much harder than expected so I was surprised. I’ve been following the Premier League since my first year at high school and that’s how I’ve become a Chelsea fan. This year, if Chelsea doesn’t end up first, I think they’ll get the second place? So if earthlings could emigrate to EXO Planet, I would try to become a ballerino or a football player. If I had to compare myself to an animal, I’d say a jaguar. First because my skin is dark. And also because jaguars are usually slow, once they speed up they make a 180 degree change. I think [jaguars] are similar to me in this because I live pretty leisurely but when I dance, I focus on it more than everyone else.

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