Welcome to Ask Bananie! Here, I will be posting Kpop-related gifs, pictures, videos, news, etc. Tell me your opinions by commenting, sending a message, voting in polls, and checking reaction boxes at the bottom of each posts! Don't forget to subscribe! Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these gifs, pictures, etc. unless stated. New blog: Carpe Diem
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
EXO "Growl"
Chinese version:
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Free Toothpaste?
Song of the week
This song makes me smile everytime I listen to it.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
EXO "Growl" 으르렁 Teaser
Chinese Version:
How Iron Man 3 should have ended
This is a spoiler to Iron Man 3.
Wait don't click it! Didn't you read what I just said/wrote/typed? I warned you, don't blame me...okay enjoy the video!
Reason why Kris is so tall
It's because of heredity Kris, not vitamins :P
Poor Ryeowook ^^
Friday, July 26, 2013
Innovating process so far...
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Teens react to student lecturing teacher
Saturday, July 20, 2013
New "Baozi" in EXO?

Next Picasso?
My top 5 songs of EXO
#5 "Baby Don't Cry
#3 "Let Out the Beast"
My favorite part is the 0:10-0:12 mark (Chanyeol's part)
Friday, July 19, 2013
Finished VBS
VBS week is done (at least for my church)
I already miss my kindergarteners ㅠ.ㅠ
I hope I'll see them next year. :)
Thursday, July 18, 2013
P.E. average
"New" Blog
New record
Things to do when bored
- play games on the internet
- go outside and do something
- hangout with your friends
- go to the beach
- take pictures of random things
- take selcas
- do ISpy (a book that has complicated pictures and you have to find items on each page)
- be mentally exhausted from doing ISpy and take a nap for 2 hours
- eat your favorite food (that always makes me happy)
- listen to your favorite song
- dance along to the song (unless it's not a dancy type of song)
- go outside and roll on the grass
- now roll down a hill
- run around in your neighborhood
- play with water (that's always fun especially during summer!)
- secretly shoot water at your family members when they aren't looking
- run away and scream "Hot dogs are taking over the world"
- go to the park and feed ducks
- don't feed the geese because I HATE GEESE.
- now try chasing the geese
- drive through your neighborhood and honk at the geese (there are a lot of them at my neighborhood and they leave unpleasant surprises behind. I'll give you a hint: it is green and gross)
- make a list like this
- BAKE! but then fail like me :(
- throw a random birthday party for someone whose birthday passed long time ago
- run around in a circle shouting "I like turtles"
- make words that don't exist...yet (for example, I saw a poster in the library and it said fool but I read it as foob)
- read a book
- read a book upsidedown
- impersonate an animal for 5 minutes
- drive your sibling(s) crazy. if you don't have any, act like you have an imaginary friend.
- try tricking someone into thinking they are deaf
- exercise (it's actually pretty fun especially if you are with a friend)
- blow bubbles
- try blowing bubbles into shapes like spongebob
- fail at blowing bubbles into shapes
- try standing an egg vertically or on equinox (it's possible. I tried it before)
- try typing this sentence "I walk down the street with jellybeans between my toes."
with your toes - now try tying "A curious bird flew right in front of my feet" with your toes and eyes closed\
- open your eyes and laugh at your sentence
- read them aloud and type them in the comment box. I want to see them too ^^
- wear winter clothes (or vise versa if you are in winter season) and walk around in a public area (park, library, neighborhood, gas station, grocery store, mall, etc.) and act casual
- fan girl over your favorite artist(s)
- do a staring contest with a stuff animal
- type in your name (first and last) on google and see how many pages that mention "you"
- go on a spinning chair and spin 20 times. now get up and try walking straight
- tell cheesy jokes to someone
- text someone "purple muffins will make you cookoo"
- volunteer in a homeless shelter
- volunteer at a church
- help someone today :D
- compliment someone
- create and video tape an original dance and upload it in youtube. if you don't want to upload it, show it off to your family and friends and see their reactions
- go youtubing
- make a google+ account
- hug a random item at your house (please be careful. no dangerous things)
- share this blog to your friends
- try making a conversation with bits and pieces of phrases from songs
- make a sandwich for your family/friends
- troll them by putting hot sauce in it and covering it with ketchup
- post "#purple muffins" on google+ or other social network sites
- make a fashion statement
- do a dance cover of your favorite kpop song
- do a singing cover (is that right?) of your favorite song
- start/join a flash mob
- make someone smile
- stare at someone intently and look away when he/she looks at you. keep doing it until that walks up to you and asks why you're staring at them. reply "I'm an FBI agent and I'm just doing my job"
- play with children
- go outside and appreciate the mother nature
- do your summer homework before you regret it!!! seriously, you'll regret it. If you don't have any, you just got lucky
- search for a four-leaf clover (i found two before)
- look up at the sky and figure out what the clouds look like
- face your fears
- give someone a massage
- sing a song until it gets stuck in someone's head
- give something you cherish to someone
- send a anonymus note to someone saying "I'm hungry. Give me fooood"
- make a face using the computer keyboard
- try learning a new language!
- wear a hat inside out
- wear your shirt on your legs and pants on your arms. put socks on your hands and gloves on your feet. :D
- eat something healthy and act like it's an airplane (or train if you prefer that over airplanes)
- do a prank on someone
- go to a store and press a "try me" button.
- make a funny gif
- go on a picnic and get eaten alive by mosquitoes
- scream like a girl and run away
- write "I want a pet iguana." upsidedown and backwards
- eat an icecream cone from bottom to top
- blink multiple time as fast as you can
- get a bundle of bananas and inject them with vinegar (don't peel them). share them with your friends. troll them more by giving them vinegar water for a beverage
- laugh the most evil laugh you can make
- talk in a funny accent for 30 minutes
- copy someone (their actions and what they say)
- go outside at night and look at the stars. find constellations too
- if you like to sleep like me, sleep for more than 12 hours
- make music using things around you (pots, cups, table, rubber band, chopsticks, forks,
- do, make, or buy a gift for your parents. the'll appreciate it :)
- eat raw ramen noodles
- message me using the 'Contact
Me' thing on the left side of this blog - give yourself a pat on the back for finishing my list :)
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
1st day of VBS
What a day! I'm tired. Kindergarten was crazy. But not too crazy. I'm sleepy now. Good nite evryone :)
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
I'm doing Korean practice (한국어 공부/연습). I just noticed how difficult the language is. It's not the easy "subject-verb" thing; they are all over the place. But, I'm starting to get the hang of it.