Saturday, March 22, 2014

Nisekoi: Comedy/Romantic anime

I recently got glued on this anime called "Nisekoi" and watched all the release subbed episodes (there's 10 so far. It's on-going.) I'm reading the manga, and I stumbled on this:
AHAHAHA he's stuck on the ceiling. Idk why I'm laughing at this. ahaha phew :'D

I recommend this anime for those who watch/enjoy anime. It's a romance comedy. The main character is Raku Ichijou. 
Raku Ichijou
He's very kind and selfless. He's the type who wants everyone to be content before thinking about himself. Like a lot of the anime characters, he's thick headed.. A/N shaking by head.
Oh and this may sound weird, but I really like his hairstyle. The silver X hair clip is a nice touch. 
Oh and in case you're wonder who the person who's stuck in the ceiling is, that's Raku. Don't worry, things like this happen to him pretty much every day.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Friday, March 21, 2014


OH MY GOD. I've haven't blogged for 1 full month, and I come back to find almost 50k views!! :O
Am I dreaming? Someone pinch meeeee!!
Thank you everyone...
I should do something as a token of my gratitude....
By the way, I'm aware that cacti don't poop (obviously). 

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